100 Days of code – 90% complete

It’s hard to imagine that I started this journey 3 months ago, but here we are. 90 days in!

I’m still working on my CLI media player. I’m finally at a point where I’m pretty much out of bugs to fix, and I have to start adding features again. This means I’m probably adding more bugs in with the new features, and I’ll have to go back to fixing bugs again soon. However, it looks like porting PyTone might be an option again soon!

A few weeks ago, I emailed the author of PyTone and asked whether he was planning on moving PyTone to Python 3. He replied and said he didn’t have any plans to do so. I continued to try to port it over myself, then I decided to make my own version of PyTone on Windows.

Well, I just heard back from the author of PyTone a few days ago, and he’s porting that to Python 3! I still need to play around with the newest version of PyTone, but at least it’ll still be an option after 2020. Also, the way things are going with my media player, it’ll probably take another 100 days of code to match all the features PyTone has!

At this point, though, I’m just trying to have something that’s usable before my 100 days of code are finished. We’ll see if I can pull it off!